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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 807
lead tiger hill



Darjeeling is a town in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is located in the foothills of Himalayas at an elevation of 2,000 meters. Darjeeling is partially autonomous status called Gorkhaland Territorial Administration within the state of West Bengal. The town is renowned for its tea garden, around eighty six tea gardens produce more than eleven million kg tea in a year. The tea garden belongs in the slopes of the surrounding mountains. Darjeeling tea is internationally recognised and ranks among the most popular black teas in the world.

Darjeeling has several British-style private schools, which attract pupils from all over India and a few neighbouring countries. The varied culture of the town reflects its diverse demographic milieu comprising Lepcha, Khampa, Gorkha, Kirati, Newar, Sherpa, Bhutia, Bengali and other mainland Indian ethno-linguistic groups. The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway connects the town with the plains and has some of the few steam locomotives still in service in India. Tiger Hill, Batasia Loop, Padmaja Naidu Zoological Park, Ghoom Monastery, Rock Garden, Tinchuley, Senchal Lake & Wildlife Sanctuary and Mag-Dhog Yolmowa Monastery are the most tourist visited place in Darjeeling.