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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 807
lead Kuakata beach
  /  Kuakata


Kuakata is a town in southeastern Bangladesh known for its panoramic sea beach. It is also called as SagarKannya i.e. daughter of the sea. Located in Latachapli union under Kalapara Police Station of Patuakhali district. It is about 18 km long and 3.5km wide. It is one of the rarest places to see the full view of sunrise and sunset from the same place & positions. This beach is bounded by green trees.

Beside the beach there are many garden forest, like The FoyejMiyar Coconut Garden, LemburChor, Jhau bon, Gangamotir Chor etc. River Payra and Bishkhaliare west of the beach and Agunmukha river is the east side of the sea beach. Kuakatahas some wanderings sites like the Rakhain Polly, Shima Buddhu Bihar, Fatrar Chor, RashMela, ShutkiPolli.