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Sreemangal is an Upazila of Moulvibazar District in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh with an area 450.74 sq km.It is said that, the name Sreemangal is named after Sri Das and Mangal Das; two brothers who settled on the banks of the Hail Haor. Sreemangal is famous for tea garden. Rain all time occurs here. Nature has decorated Sreemangal with all the green tress. Bangladesh Tea Research Institute is situated in Sreemangal. Water bodies Main rivers Bilash (Gopla), Gopbia, Phulchhari, Udnachhari, Barmachhari; Hail Haor is notable.

Archaeological heritage and relics Nirmai Shiva Bari (1454 AD), copperplate of Raja Marundanath (11th century) discovered in village Kalapur and statue of god Ananta Narayan (discovered during excavation atvillageLamua).Basu Deva Mandir at village Bhunadeva, Hail Haor, Lawachhara National Park, Bangladesh Tea Research Institute, Mini Museum of SiteshRanjanDev, Bharaura Lake, MagurchharaKhasiaPunji and gas field, Denston Cemetery are the mail tourist spot in Sreemangal.