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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 807
lead Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta



Jakarta, Indonesia’s massive capital sits on the northwest coast of the island of Java. A historic mix of cultures – Javanese, Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and European – has influenced its architecture, language and cuisine. The old town, Kota Tua, is home to Dutch colonial buildings, Glodok and the old port of Sunda Kelapa, where traditional wooden schooners dock.

Jakarta is the centre of the economy, culture and politics of Indonesia. It is the world’s second-most populous urban area, after Tokyo. It has a population of about 35.934 million as of 2020. Jakarta is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Southeast Asia. Established in the fourth century as Sunda Kelapa, the city became an important trading port for the Sunda Kingdom.

Jakarta is sinking up to 17 cm (6.7 inches) per year, which, coupled with the rising of sea levels, has made the city more prone to flooding. It is one of the fastest-sinking capitals in the world. Jakarta has the world’s best coffee scene, and most socializing in the city takes place at trendy cafes — not lounges. Jakarta’s tourist attractions also show a deeper side of this cosmopolitan city. Top place to visit in Jakarta’s are The Museum Nasional (National Museum), Kites at Museum Layang-Layang, Merdeka Square, Jakarta’s Mega Malls, Museum MACAN, Thousand Islands, Jakarta Old Town and Kemang.